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<< Julho 2013 Agosto 2013 Setembro 2013 >>
XXXIV Encontro Nacional de Física de Partículas e Campos
Início : Segunda-Feira 26 Agosto 2013, 8:00
Fim : Sexta-Feira 30 Agosto 2013, 8:00
Informação de contato :
Hotel Recanto das Hortências -

Av. Cel. Arthur Tibúrcio, 10 - Antiga Estrada Real - Centro - Passa Quatro - MG 

Fone (35) 3371.4929
Email : roberto@sbfisica.org.br
URL : http://www.sbfisica.org.br/~enfpc/xxxiv/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=60&Itemid=185
XXXIV Encontro Nacional de Física de Partículas e Campos
Física dos Hádrons: um desafio para a Holografia
Início : Segunda-Feira 29 Julho 2013, 8:00
Fim : Sexta-Feira 9 Agosto 2013, 18:00
Informação de contato :
Instituto Internacional de Física

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Av. Odilon Gomes de Lima, 1722 - Capim Macio - 59078-400 - Natal-RN, Brasil

Fones: +55 (84) 32159201, 32159220, 32158203,

Fax: +55 (84) 32154170

Para Inglês, disque 9
Email :
URL : http://www.iip.ufrn.br/?pg==oFWaxmYuJleYJjUsR2RGBnYB1TP&lang=pt&inf===QT6tWP
One of the goals of the meeting is to present and discuss recent results in holography focused on physics of hadrons. Talks on Holography can always be heard on any string theory/high energy physics meeting. However there are not too many conferences dedicated entirely to this versatile subject of the application of holography to hadron physics . The current event is an opportunity for deep and intensive discussions of the recent progress in the field.

Another goal of the meeting is to bring together researchers from different fields of physics joined by the subject of hadronic physics. In the old times of physics the communication between scientists working in the same field was hindered by the slow speed of information exchange. In the Internet era this is no longer a problem, but perhaps a similar lack of communication appears between scientists working on different floors of the same building, between those belonging to different groups of the same department. It is expected that the meeting will aid to bridge the gap between different groups, different areas of physics.

Finally such a meeting would be of great importance for students, especially those from Brazil that are far from the places where this kind of meetings usually take place. The format of the meeting is expected to include a one week school with introductory lectures on many subjects at the intersection of modern hadronic physics and holography. Participation in both the school and the workshop will create a great opportunity for them to make contact with a very new and active field of research as well as an excellent possibility to enhance their experience in the field.
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